Gitte H (og Pia)
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Visum process fra Maj 2016
Gyldigt pas
Bestlile tid hos lægen
Bestille tid hos skolen
Check navn på appl. med navn som det står nedest i passet
+45 foran tlf. numre.
Pasbillede skal ændres til PDF
Students letter:
Glæder mig til at komme, tak for I har åbnet. Hverdag, studiejob - havd ser jeg frem til, hvorfor skal I syntes om mig.
Slut på students letter: Thank You for opening You Home ...bla.bla
Underskrift: Bare fornavn
Parents letter:
Ikke skrive det samme om barnet, hvad kan værtsfamilien forvente, hvilke kvaliteter har barnet
Slut på parents letter: Tak for familien vil åbne deres døre
Værstfamiliens indtryk - mange billeder af student, gerne med andre på, kæledyr, skole - bare eleven er på billederne - max. 3 år gamle.
Tæt på, smilende, der er kræv til billeder.
Skole papirer:
9 kl i Danmark = 10 kl i USA
Passed 7 grade = skole skal skrive under, da der ikke er givet karakterer i 7 klasse i Danmark.
DA/EN/TY/MAT = 2 karakterer (W=Written/ O=Oral) - evt. skal gennesnit ligges ind.
Date for High School completion = Juni 2020 (1 år i USA 16/17 og 3 år på Gym)
Sundhedstest hos lægen - generel tilstand Sygdomme og allergi
Hvis kryds i "ja" - dokument (på engelsk) fra lægen der dokumenterer indgreb, pronose etc. med stempel.
Børnevacciner. Gul kort fra lægen - elektronisk udstryk fra lægen på lægens papir med.
Der anbefales at man selv udfylder og lægen skriver under.
Polio - 3 datoer. (hvis oral =4,5,6)
Kun DI-TE som 5 årig - mangler Kighoste
DE-TE-KI - Booster for Kighoste skal han have (eller DE-TE-KI-POL)
Skriv dato for skoldkopper md/år
Menigitis - Mangler - skal have som 16 årig.
DS20-19 Visum til USA
Forventet interview på den Amerikanske ambassade i Juli, - man skal være klar til at rise fra sidste lørdag i Juli.
Udkast til Parent letter
Dear host familiy,
Thank You for considering our son, Toke as an exchange student for the School year 2016/2017
Toke is raised in a small town in Denmark with around 5000 inhabitants and has always been in a comfortable environment in the same town and spending all years at the same school - we are a stable family of five; farther Normann, mother Anette, younger brother Christopher and the family dog Oskar.
Toke is a bright and pleasent young teenager that is quite calm and quiet; he is in many ways taking care of himself on a daily basis and needs only general parental guidance. He is taking care of his school in a proper manner and is doing his homework as expected.
He gets along with his 4 year younger brother very well and helps in the family when its needed; not always at free will though Toke has always been a strong character and has never been scared or unsecure about leaving home and staying over at other locations or with other people for a longer period of time.
Toke is good to make friends and helping others, one of the special things we always notice is that even if the grades in school are fine, one of the thing that his teachers always mention when we are present at school-home interviews, is that beside he is a good student, the most noticeable part is the way that he interacts with most other students and are taking care of the weaker students in the class, and he is pushing the work in groups for a fitting result. So his social skills and awareness are very high.
In his freetime he has interest in e-sports on the computer, where he spends parts of his life gaming online and chatting with fellow gamers around the world (both adults and other kids - as far away as New Zeeland).
He also do free unpaid work as soccer coach for young people in the the 9-10 year age range; and acting as a referee for soccer-matches - as he states himself, coatching kids soccer is part time coaching, part time being a pedagouge. The coaching job also involves interacting with many adult people and solving social conflicts along the way with all parties.
Toke has a strong passion (and is not afraid) for new experiences in generel, and the wish for going to the states are his own and he is very determined in that way; part of the interest came from former exchange-students holding speeches on his school about the live of an exchange student.
Best Regards,
Normann, Anette & Christopher