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If we want to measure and log "real" pageviews from out Confluence, see Access Logging in Confluence, and we a not doing this from within Confluence, we need to filter out false results.

this is my current filterring Results:

Robots and Crawlers

We need to filter out those:

Kibana / Grafana
type: apache AND (request.keyword: \/display* OR request.keyword: \/pages\/viewpage.action*) AND NOT ( agent: *facebook* OR agent: *crawler* OR agent: *bot* OR agent: *Bot* OR agent: *Spider*) 
index=apache AND host=moserver AND (uri="*/display/*" OR uri="*/viewpage.action/*") useragent!="*bot*" useragent!="*spider*"useragent!="*facebookexternalhit*" useragent!="*crawler*" 


HTTP Codes

Often, if You page is down or under maintenanace, apache/ngix logs will return 502 or 503.

These can be removed from the search results - Or - HTTP Code 200 can be added to give only possitive results:

Kibana / Grafana
type: apache AND (request.keyword: \/display* OR request.keyword: \/pages\/viewpage.action*) AND response: 200 AND NOT ( agent: *facebook* OR agent: *crawler* OR agent: *bot* OR agent: *Bot* OR agent: *Spider*) 
index=apache AND host=moserver AND (uri="*/display/*" OR uri="*/viewpage.action/*") useragent!="*bot*" useragent!="*spider*"useragent!="*facebookexternalhit*" useragent!="*crawler*"  AND status=200





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