Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


I just got some double entries, and the restore seems to be on ment for a factory resat bridge.

I tried the above a few times, and nothing changed.

After aprox. 1,5 hours I took the power to the entire house, and after the bridges came on, the Outside Lights bridge have most bulbs available again, but many sensors were not reachable.


When I came home, I took the power to the entire house, and after the bridges came on, aprox. 80% of the bulbs on Inside Lights bridge were reachable - and all sensors seemed ok again.

In the evening I started to power off the power sources to for the bulbs that was still unreachable, and slowly the came back in the app as reachable.
