Blog from January, 2017
Well, I tried to load a 4 GB json file from into ES as in:
root@elkserver1:~# curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/adresses/address' -d @adresser.json Killed
After the "killed", the ES stack went bad for some time - and finally came back into green state; - in that Time, Kibana just showed "RED"
Well, then I tried to created an index pattern over "adresses", and the index-pattern became present in Kibana, but it did not work at all.
Tried to delete the Index, but ES told me there was no index.. And I could not click on the index pattern in Kibana.
Finally I got it deleted with:
root@elkserver1:~# curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/.kibana/index-pattern/adresses" {"found":true,"_index":".kibana","_type":"index-pattern","_id":"adresses","_version":2,"result":"deleted","_shards":{"to... root@elkserver1:~# service kibana stop root@elkserver1:~# service kibana start
And the mapping was gone....