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I wanted to utilise splunk even more (or same) as Edd in https://www.splunk.com/blog/2013/10/22/go-splunk-yourself.html

First signup for a tracking solution failed.

Looking into the Apple Store, i found followmee.com and I signed up for an account. Followmee.com has a complete mapping (Tracking) solution, so I could just have stopped it there, but the focus was splunk.

The only interesting App setting on the iPhone is the tracking state and how often the App tracks, read http://followmee.com/Howto.aspx?t=howtoconfigureiphone

Tracking Power
It specifies how aggressively the app will track. The default setting is medium, which gives you a new location update every 5 to 10 minutes. If you want more frequent update, choose the high setting, which updates every 1 to 2 minutes. 

Next, the data can be extracted to XLS og CVS, but this was to manual, I wanted to utilize and automate, so I signed up for APIservices, which has 2 primary functions:

Past hours history for a device

Past give a json like:


Current location for a device

Current gives a json like

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