I wanted to reset my Home Assistent due to the fact, that icloud was moved from the device_tracker to its own domain. See https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2019/12/11/release-103/ and https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/29144

This gave me new identities for some apple devices, typically padded with _n 

I remember that switching from openHab 2 to Home Assistant was due to few/no releases; - well in HA theres a lot, and a lot of breaking changes....






icloud and icloud3 config from Yaml files

icloud3 from custom components


New Setup:

Create Admin User

Set Home

Set TimeZone

Set Metric

Set Integrations:


Lost Lovelace config

Lost users

Lost Cloud (Nabu Casa)

Lost Trådfri (Security Code needed)

Lost Plex (relink needed)

Lost Certificate Expiry

First iOSapp


Notice "sensor.steps_2" - for the first iOS App - well thats because "sensor.steps" are taken:

That is utterly somewhat stupid, that naming are so simple and does not include something more - like "sensor.fitbit.steps", "sensor.fitbit1.steps", "sensor.fitbit_steps"


Adding an iOS App

Naming sucks...the Mobile App should have some unique ID that could be seen.


Of cause - by renaming entities etc - You need to update all You yaml files 

Adding icloud