This is somewhat a recap of Parsing Apache Logs with Splunk for real user hits....

To isolate Page Views on, we do a Humio query:

parser=apache | source = "/var/log/apache2/" | (url="/display*" or url="/pages/viewpage*") 


As we can see, some hits are wrong, so we fine grade the Humio query (refer to Parsing Apache Logs with Splunk for real user hits....):

parser=apache | source = "/var/log/apache2/"| (url="/display*" or url="/pages/viewpage*") and url != "/display/public/HealthCheckPage*" and useragent!="*bot*" and  useragent!="*spider*" and useragent!="*facebookexternalhit*" and useragent!="*crawler*" and useragent!="*Datadog Agent*"


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