Java Application as Bridge

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Compile the source code

You need to create a "log" directory; - then execute the application

root@robin:~/production/zensehome/zensemqtt# java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/bnp/production/zensehome:/home/bnp/production/zensehome/zensemqtt/mqtt-client-0.4.0.jar zensemqtt.ZenseMQTT
Jan 09, 2019 8:14:01 PM zensemqtt.Log logging
INFO: Starting ZenseHome MQTT listener

I have added compiled code here (

Setup a light source

I have defined a Thing for the ZenseHome box:

And are adding each light as a channel:

With the Topics according to

Visible and testing in Paper UI - Controls

You should be able to see the Channels  and test them: