This script travles a directory structure and creates WIKI markup (suitable for Confluence versions lower that 4.0).
Several Macros are neede for the final page to be displayed correctly. See User Macros
As this injects data directly into the MySQL database, either a Cache flushing or a Tomcat restart is needed afterwards
Is not Confluence 4 compatible - see Script for linking images into a Confluence page (
Executing the script:
./ RelativeDirectory PageId yes|no eGrep
./ "FamilieBilleder" 28000 yes "Christopher|Stoffer"
Gives the Page - Christopher
RelativeDirectory | is the path to be traveled (this is /data/images/FamilieBilleder) for my installation, where /data/images is hardcoded in the script |
PageId | is Id for the Confluence page needed to be updated |
yes|no | is if a TOC markup is inserted |
eGrep | is an optional RegEx string for fine-picking from the Directory structure |
Source of the Script:
#!/bin/bash html="" IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") # Arguments Dir=$1 Id=$2 MakeToc=$3 GrepFor=$4 # Check Arguments if [ $# -lt 3 ] then echo "There are not at least 3 Arguments: Dir ArticleId yes/no" exit 0 fi if [ Dir == "" ] then echo "Argument 1 is empty" exit 0 fi if [ ! -d /data/images/$Dir ] then echo "Argument 1 Dir: $Dir does not exist" exit 0 fi cd /data/images/"$Dir" for file in `find . -type d | grep -v "thumbs" | grep -v "cache" | egrep -i "$GrepFor" | sort` do NumOfPics=`ls -t "$file" | egrep -i "\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp)$" | wc -l` if [ $NumOfPics -gt 0 ] then file=$(echo "$file"|sed 's/\.\///g') html="$html\\nh1. $file\\n{go-top}\\n" group=$file for image in `ls "$file" | egrep -i "\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp)$"` do file2=$(echo "$file"|sed 's/ /%20/g') html="$html\\n{me-image:path=$Dir/$file2/|image=$image|group=$group}" done html="$html\\n" fi # for movie in `find "$file"/ -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep -v thumbs | egrep -i "\.(bobsos|flv)$" | sort` # do # html="$html {me-video:/images/$Dir/$movie}" # done done if [ $MakeToc == "no" ] then sql="UPDATE BODYCONTENT set body='{make-top}\\n$html' where contentid=$Id" else sql="UPDATE BODYCONTENT set body='{make-top}\\n{toc}\\n$html' where contentid=$Id" fi echo "SET NAMES 'utf8';$sql" > /tmp/insert.sql #echo "SET NAMES 'utf8';$sql" mysql --user=cadmin --password=******** confluence < /tmp/insert.sql rm /tmp/insert.sql
Line 73 and 76 can be expandede with a {include-fancybox}\\\\n or {include-lightbox}\\\\n is You want a lighbox popup of the image
This is a sample output for the script:
{include-lightbox} {make-top} {toc} h1. 2 x Fødselsdag 03-09-2011 {go-top} {me-image:path=FamilieBilleder/2011/2%20x%20Fødselsdag%2003-09-2011/|image=CIMG2034.JPG|group=2 x Fødselsdag 03-09-2011} {me-image:path=FamilieBilleder/2011/2%20x%20Fødselsdag%2003-09-2011/|image=CIMG2035.JPG|group=2 x Fødselsdag 03-09-2011} {me-image:path=FamilieBilleder/2011/2%20x%20Fødselsdag%2003-09-2011/|image=CIMG2036.JPG|group=2 x Fødselsdag 03-09-2011} {me-image:path=FamilieBilleder/2011/2%20x%20Fødselsdag%2003-09-2011/|image=CIMG2037.JPG|group=2 x Fødselsdag 03-09-2011} {me-image:path=FamilieBilleder/2011/2%20x%20Fødselsdag%2003-09-2011/|image=CIMG2038.JPG|group=2 x Fødselsdag 03-09-2011} {me-image:path=FamilieBilleder/2011/2%20x%20Fødselsdag%2003-09-2011/|image=CIMG2039.JPG|group=2 x Fødselsdag 03-09-2011} h1. Afslapning 24-07-2011 {go-top}
1 Comment
Normann P. Nielsen
18-04-2013The {include-lightbox} has been removed, as I now include the lightbox code at Custom HTML level; se note at User Macros