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Step  - Eliminate all "hard hitting hosts"

As many crawlers crawlers use browser like User Agents and acts like real browsers, looking into my logs I see a large number of hits from them, so I have taken the assumption that more than 100 hits on the same URI within 30 days states that it is not a person using a browser:

index=apache AND host=moserver AND (uri="*/display/*" OR uri="*/viewpage.action/*") | stats count by uri clientip | where count>100

Stored in the file hard_hitting_hosts.csv

root@splunkserver:/splunk/etc/apps/moseisleymonitoring/lookups# head hard_hitting_hosts.csv

To sum up - Conclusion

The best search to get the "human" hits:

(uri="*/display/*" OR uri="*/viewpage.action/*") uri!="/display/public/HealthCheckPage" useragent!="*bot*" useragent!="*spider*" useragent!="*facebookexternalhit*" useragent!="*crawler*" useragent!="*Datadog Agent*" NOT [| inputlookup robot_spiders.csv | fields clientip] NOT [| inputlookup hard_hitting_hosts.csv | fields clientip]