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In the evening I started to power cycle the power sources for the bulbs that was still unreachable, and slowly they came back in the app as reachable.

The next day, I took the power to the entire house again, and 3 bulbs were still not reachable. I took them out of the ceiling sockets and put them into a lamp, one by one - 2 on them actually came to life again and the last just had to be reset (power off 5 seconds, power on for 5 seconds, do that 5 times - when the bulb flashes, its resat).

So all is good now :-)


My conclusion is somewhat, that this problably was a software update - or similar - that kind of "broke" the bulbs ability to communicate - and software updates over Zigbee is slow and takes a long time.

Point being: Dont panic to soon and start resetting your bridge(s), have some patience and take the power off some times over a time period. Setting up everything again can take way longer time if You have many devices.
