I wanted to test DokuWiki as an alternative to my Confluence Data Center - see Confluence Data Center to Wiki thoughts...


So I created a docker with a docker-compose.yml file.

Reference from https://github.com/dokuwiki/docker

    image: dokuwiki/dokuwiki:stable # other tags: master, <date> or <codename>
    user: "1000:1000" # adjust to your required user id
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8080:8080" # internal port is 8080, map to what you need
      PHP_TIMEZONE: Europe/Berlin
      - /opt/dokuwiki/storage:/storage

It does not get much simpler than that....



After startup - Setup the installation at 

Starting up

The Wiki is pretty simple to use, but has out-of-the box only a Markup editor, so I wanted a better one.

Go the the admin section:

Install an editor:

A thing to observe here is that there is not "compability" ensurance bwtween what You can see/install and the version of DokuWiki that You are running. I installed the:

and this brougt down the DokuWiki instantly, also the Admin interface - hence no uninstall

The solution was to delete the directory /opt/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/codehighlight and restart the container

Creating pages

One thing that I think is wierd is there is no "Create new page" button, You have to create a new page by creation a reference for it on another page:

Save, and the reference is there (red to show there is no page yet):

Press the link, and You will get to a new page...

Confluence migration test

Using https://www.dokuwiki.org/tips:confluence2dokuwiki -> https://github.com/mschlenstedt/confluence2dokuwiki

For my Ubuntu linux, as few pre-requisites was needed:

sudo apt-get install pandoc
sudo apt-get install libtext-unidecode-perl

First I exported my space "IT" to HTML from Confluence Space Settings. And unzipped it.

Then I ran the script:

root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf# ls -l
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12096 Jan  4 15:48 confluence2dokuwiki.pl
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 16384 Jan  4 15:49 it

root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf# perl ./confluence2dokuwiki.pl it

All files done. Good bye.


root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf# ls -l
total 76
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 12096 Jan  4 15:48 confluence2dokuwiki.pl
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16384 Jan  4 15:49 it
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 21423 Jan  4 17:00 linkdatabase.dat
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 20480 Jan  4 17:00 media
drwxr-xr-x 24 root root  4096 Jan  4 17:00 pages

Now the "pages" and "media" directories can be copied to DokuWiki:

root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf#cp -R pages/* /opt/dokuwiki/storage/data/pages
root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf#cp -R media/* /opt/dokuwiki/storage/data/media

An better altanation would be to ensure the pages was in a namespace:

root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf# mkdir /opt/dokuwiki/storage/data/pages/it
root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf# mkdir /opt/dokuwiki/storage/data/media/it
root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf#cp -R pages/* /opt/dokuwiki/storage/data/pages/it/
root@beetle:/home/bnp/conf#cp -R media/* /opt/dokuwiki/storage/data/media/it/

And the result - compared to Confluence:


Confluence (original)

A sample page

A sample page (original)

So, I works quite well, but copying the files to the root of the dokuwiki is not optimal, and should be invistigated - I would have though that the scriptsetting

# Move main pages to (sub-)namespaces with equal name
# This is useful if you used confluence subpages. You main page
# will then be moved to the sub-namespace.
my $move_main_to_sub = 1; 

Would ensure that - but I have to look into DokuWiki namespaces...

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