Fetched from https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Include+Page+Macro #set ($qString = $req.getQueryString()) #set ($titleStart = $qString.indexOf("title=")+6) #set ($nextAmpIndex = $qString.indexOf("&",$titleStart)) #if ($nextAmpIndex == -1) #set ($titleEnd = $qString.length()) #else #set ($titleEnd = $nextAmpIndex) #end #set ($reqTitle = $qString.substring($titleStart, $titleEnd)) Very nice for getting the params from a QueryString - I am thinking of making a "Show Image" page in the Mos-Eisley Gallery, using QueryString params
Confluence User Macro - Getting the Request string
Fetched from https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Include+Page+Macro
Very nice for getting the params from a QueryString - I am thinking of making a "Show Image" page in the Mos-Eisley Gallery, using QueryString params