I am in general fond of JIRA Scemes - but not the Permission Schemes, because in general permissions vary pretty much - even for quite similar projects.

So I tend to extend the JIRA Roles pretty much in an (almost) 1:1 relation between JIRA Permissions and Roles.

The Standard Permission Scheme

Look more or less like this:


Create Roles for Standard Permissions

For these permissions, I create a Role for each - sometimes with a little more descriptive name:

JIRA PermissionRolename
Browse Project 
View Development Tools 
Assignable UserAssignableUsers
Assign IssuesCanAssignIssues
Close IssuesCanCloseIssues
Move IssueCanMoveIssues

Create a New Rolebased Permission Scheme

Create a "Rolebased Permission Scheme", and Add the Roles to the equivalent permission:

You can always include users,groups and others in the Permissions, if these ALWAYS should have that access, eg:

Add "jira-administrators" to the "Administer Projects" permission

Add "Project Lead" to the "Browse Project","Assign Issues" etc etc to the "Browse project" permission

Add "Current Assignee" to the "Edit Issues" permission


Until all (that You want) is added in the 1:1 relation:


Assign the Scheme to a Project

After the new Scheme is assigned to a project:

You can now assign users and groups directly to the project, making: