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  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
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I wanted to utilise utilize splunk even more (or same) as Edd in Go Splunk Yourself!

First signup for a tracking solution failed.


{"Data":[{"DeviceName":"Normann P.'s iPhone","DeviceID":"11787783","Date":"2017-12-08T18:21:58+01:00","Latitude":57.01034,"Longitude":10.03387,"Type":"GPS","Speed(mph)":4,"Speed(km/h)":6,"Altitude(ft)":29,"Altitude(m)":9,"Accuracy":5}]}

In splunk, its a bit hard complicated to split multivalue json into events, and since this is a POC and I font dont really care that much for history, I will go for the current location...


Notice the polling interval:

I leave it blank, so the REST Url will be called every 60 secs.

Presenting the data in splunk

Looking at possible visualisations, I first went for the map/geostats visualisation, but the density and zoomlevel is more world event like than street/block level needed, so I installed the Location Tracker - Custom Visualization.
