Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

As the Dashboard is anoying irritating to change in Confluence, hence Atlassian has an idea that the Layouts can only be changed if the "Default Theme" is selected, I do use another space's Home as the frontpage (e.g. Dashboard)

Unfortunatly, even though the Page are assigned in the Administation > General Configuration:

Image Added

peeple (users) can still access the /dashboard.action URL, either by a bookmark - or because the Dashboard breadcrum actually points to it.

To always redirect them to the correct Page, I have used the Redirection Plugin and put this in the Site Message:


So as soon as the /dashboard.action Url are loaded, the browser gets redirected to /display/public/Home