Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.



If the Screen is like above (None), setting field will not work (stupid), and the log will show:

2014-06-10 08:01:43,716 QuartzScheduler_Worker-2 WARN automaticservices    CloseinactiveSupportIssues [jelly.tags.log.WarnTag] Inactivating issue MYPROJECT-151
2014-06-10 08:01:43,825 QuartzScheduler_Worker-2 ERROR anonymous    CloseinactiveSupportIssues [jira.jelly.service.JellyService] file:/pack/jira-jelly/support-closeinactivate.xml:48:145: <jira:TransitionWorkflow> Field 'resolution' can not be set on action with no screen
org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: file:/pack/jira-jelly/support-closeinactivate.xml:48:145: <jira:TransitionWorkflow> Field 'resolution' can not be set on action with no screen

This is typically due to the script is a copy/similarity of and the line:

<jira:TransitionWorkflow key="${issue.key}" user="${workflowUser}" workflowAction="${workflowStep}" comment="${comment}" resolution="Customer Timeout"/>

Setting a field on the Jelly "jira:TransitionWorkflow" requires a screen with the field, therefore - set it in the Post FunctionSo a screen must be selected, with the field(s) on